
Priming for Tough Conversations Handbook

Your secret weapon for staying calm, cool and collected in times of tension and keeping your project moving forward toward the results you want.
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Are you tired of feeling tense and reactive around tough conversations? 

Dreading the phone calls or meetings where there might be confrontation?

Wondering why some people seem to glide through hiccups with projects, staff issues or disagreements, while your conversations go poorly or even lead to conflict?

Want to know how to show up relaxed and powerful when you're facing a tough talk?
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What if you could have that power? 

Wouldn’t it feel good to know you’re prepared with concrete, proven strategies for approaching the tough stuff with a clear head, commanding presence and the right words? 
What if you had a resource that you could revisit anytime you needed a crowbar for getting into that calm and strong headspace? You can learn how to guide the conversation to the outcome you want.


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Priming for Tough Conversations Handbook

Prepare, don't panic. Proven strategies for approaching any conversation with calm and confidence.
Don't hesitate



Priming Handbook AND Conflict Resolution Toolkit BUNDLE

Get the Priming for Tough Conversations Handbook AND the Conflict Resolution Toolkit and be prepared for the before, during and after of any challenge you'll face in your work relationships.
Awesome to get the straight info on pain points, and what you might do differently.
scott miller

Why we created this resource

Confrontational talks suck! But they don't have to. With the confidence you'll get from this tool, you can guide the conversation.

Some of the biggest frustrations for clients are caused by low trust and a lack of clarity from contractors.

It's no secret that our industry isn’t known to have the strongest communication skills. This can lead to way more issues that could easily be avoided and as a business owner you don't need more drama. You want to focus on your projects and results.

Meet the Creators 

Natasha Grey, Masters in Clinical Psychology:  
"I bring a unique perspective on workplace dynamics from my experience as a psychotherapist. Additionally, interviewing great minds - from NY Times bestselling authors to CEO's of large organizations - for The Conscious Living podcast, founding and running multiple businesses and teaching meditation are all experiences that have contributed to these lessons!"
Casey Grey, founder of The Conscious Builder:
"When I started out in construction, Natasha was in school for Psychology. I remember telling her I didn’t need to know that stuff. Now I’m eating my words, because it’s about 90% of what I do and a massive part of what keeps The Conscious Builder going strong through every challenge we face!"
Love the journey and information you are providing. Thank you!
Bojan Biljecki






Your business will benefit when you are steady and sure going into all situations - not just about what to say but how to handle reactions (including your own internal sh*t!)

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